Google it. Amazon it. Xerox it.

How in the heck does a company, a brand, become a VERB?

It’s all in the language.

The world’s most successful companies often have two foundations for company language.

1. Core values.

“Google” Ten things we know to be true. You’ll see what we mean. Here’s an example. 

Focus on the user and all else will follow.

“Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. Whether we’re designing a new Internet browser or a new tweak to the look of the homepage, we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you, rather than our own internal goal or bottom line. Our homepage interface is clear and simple, and pages load instantly. Placement in search results is never sold to anyone, and advertising is not only clearly marked as such, it offers relevant content and is not distracting. And when we build new tools and applications, we believe they should work so well you don’t have to consider how they might have been designed differently.”

Not only does this core value (1 of 10) set the tone for how the company operates, but it also outlines some of the language Google prefers to associate its company, customers and product with. “User Experience” – “Clear” – “Simple” – “Instantly” – “Relevant” to name a few.

2. Company Lexicon.

There’s a reason a Disney experience is widely considered top-tier. It’s all in their vernacular.

Referring to customers.

Customer Guest
Customer ServiceGuest Services
Customer Area Onstage

Referring to Employees

EmployeeCast Member
Employee Only AreaBackstage

The point is, the stronger your company language, the stronger your company culture. If you’ve already got a set of core values you’re off to a good start. If not, start there. Once you’ve got your core values in place, use them to pick out the 5 words you’d like your brand to be most associated with. 

Finally, infuse these words in your and your team’s daily language, social media, and marketing. When you notice that your members have adopted that language… You’ve nailed it!

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