Mar 10, 2022 | Community, Customer Service, Retention, Technology
Clear and consistent communication is one of the most essential elements of any relationship–Your relationships in your personal training business are no exception. But, to really excel in the fitness industry, you need to tailor your personal training communication...
Mar 10, 2022 | Customer Service, Marketing, Retention, Technology
If fitness is your business, then changing lives is your passion, but revenue needs to keep your mission flourishing. This is why knowing what goes into ROI for gym owners upfront is critical for your long-term success running a personal training company. Most...
Jan 20, 2022 | Retention, Community, Customer Service, Technology
The secret to a successful personal training business is fitness client retention. Acquiring a new client is harder, more time-consuming and costly, and less predictable than keeping an existing client. This is why keeping a focus on your retention rate will help your...
Jan 13, 2022 | Technology
One of the most important things for a successful fitness coach or business owner is having a personal training CRM. With all the personal training software available today, a CRM platform is more than just client management. It’s a way to improve the efficiency with...
May 27, 2021 | Community, Customer Service, Technology
If you’ve been a business owner for any length of time, you know the following is true: Fitness business owners wear lots of hats. The administrative hat. The manager hat. The customer service hat. The marketing and sales hat. The training hat. The business owner and...