Oct 27, 2022 | Customer Service, Marketing
You get to the end of your strategy session, you finally speak the words, “which program would you like to start with?” and without making eye contact they utter the words, “I’d like to think about it.”, “I need to speak to my spouse”, “I…anything but hand you my...
Oct 20, 2022 | Community, Customer Service, Marketing
Your prospect pulls up in a white SUV. As she gets out, a red, hot wheels toy mustang falls from the door. She sighs and stares at it. “There it is,” she says with a heavy breath, recalling the previous night’s “all hands on deck” search...
Oct 14, 2022 | Community, Marketing
Having been around fitness professionals for the most part, one constant theme is most of them got into the industry because they want to make a difference. They want to live their passions through their work while improving the world. This is a beautiful...
Sep 29, 2022 | Marketing, Community
Research shows you’ve got 27 seconds to make a GOOD first impression. Look at it this way, the average person knows within 15 minutes of the first date, whether or not they want a second date. Business is exactly the same. Let’s confirm that second date!...
Sep 9, 2022 | Community, Marketing
Summary: Fitness studio owners are in a great position to leverage their following and expertise to increase revenue through affiliate marketing. The efforts to get this started are in line with digital marketing for the business. Therefore, this work can be...
Sep 4, 2022 | Community, Marketing
Fitness entrepreneurs can be a wealth of knowledge to a variety of other groups and outlets. Think other just-starting-out personal trainers, publications looking for fitness experts, corporate wellness or other business newsletters, and more. In the fitness industry,...