Nov 21, 2020 | Community, Customer Service
Even if it isn’t the latest and greatest iPhone or Android device, nowadays who doesn’t have a phone? In a lot of cases your members first found you via the web browser on their phones. We carry them everywhere. A mantra you might even say in your head before leaving...
Nov 14, 2020 | Community, Customer Service
In this day and age you can’t deny that we live in a world that has been completely taken over by technology. Now, that doesn’t mean we’re living in an Isaac Asimov novel – robots aren’t taking over the world, but with each passing day we become more and more...
Oct 24, 2020 | Community, Customer Service
Pop quiz time: Which option, A or B, is the cheaper way to go for your business? Gaining one member? Retaining one member? Do you know the answer? It’s okay, I’ll wait… Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? … Okay, I’ll tell you. The answer is most certainly B. Why? Because it...