Oct 24, 2020 | Community, Customer Service
Pop quiz time: Which option, A or B, is the cheaper way to go for your business? Gaining one member? Retaining one member? Do you know the answer? It’s okay, I’ll wait… Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? … Okay, I’ll tell you. The answer is most certainly B. Why? Because it...
Oct 2, 2020 | Community, Customer Service, Nutrition
Author Shavi Sharma once wrote: “Every single day, another page is added and as one book finishes, another one starts.” As we go through our daily lives we come into contact with countless individuals. Each and every one of them are experiencing life through their own...
Sep 19, 2020 | Community, Customer Service
As gyms continue to open their doors across the country it’s inevitable to find that many members, oftentimes extremely devoted gym goers, have lost their enthusiasm for fitness. It could’ve been the Pandemic that held them back or perhaps it was extenuating...