LISC Relief Grants – More Help for Gym Owners

LISC Relief Grants – More Help for Gym Owners

One thing that has become apparent during the COVID-19 crisis is that we are all in this together. There is help available, even if it is frustrating at times trying to find it (or receive it).  Just as we did with the EIDL and PPP loans and grants, we wanted to...
The Scoop on the Paycheck Protection Program for Gym Owners

The Scoop on the Paycheck Protection Program for Gym Owners

As gym owners try to piece together all the resources designed to help them in these trying times, we’ve been trying to disseminate as much useful information as possible. One particular area where there has been a lot of questions is the new Paycheck Protection...
Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On

You’ve probably seen the old British war poster with the words “Keep Calm and Carry On.” This poster (although never actually displayed in the UK) was created during a time of intense uncertainty. The British were preparing for potential air raids, invasion, or both....
4 Tips for Hiring the Right Employee

4 Tips for Hiring the Right Employee

Show of hands – who likes going through the hiring process? No one? Makes sense. It doesn’t matter if you’re the job seeker or hiring manager – the process can be long and stressful. As an employer – the importance of finding the right fit is more crucial than...