Jul 8, 2021 | Video, Customer Service
Smart gym owners realize that amazing retention is necessary for strong profitability. So how do you get amazing retention? You need to have an incredible client experience. This goes beyond the standard bottle of water that the front desk gives out. We are talking...
Jun 17, 2021 | Uncategorized, Community, Marketing
Even the best businesses can’t make everyone happy. Inevitably, it will happen… Despite your relentless pursuit of delivering a consistently excellent client experience, something will go wrong. Maybe a trainer loses their cool, maybe there’s...
Jun 10, 2021 | Community, Customer Service
Doug Spurling is no stranger to hustle. And he’s no stranger to leadership and fast growth. When Doug started his Spurling Fitness, he knew there had to be a better way to run an efficient, high-performing gym than how he’d seen it done in his early training...
Jun 3, 2021 | Uncategorized
Let me guess. Your number one marketing channel is “word of mouth”? We get it. These are highly qualified leads that cost you nothing in advertising. If you’re bootstrapping your business, you need every win you can get without pouring more money into it. ...
May 27, 2021 | Community, Customer Service, Technology
If you’ve been a business owner for any length of time, you know the following is true: Fitness business owners wear lots of hats. The administrative hat. The manager hat. The customer service hat. The marketing and sales hat. The training hat. The business owner and...
May 20, 2021 | Technology
When it comes to running and growing a business, having the right tools for the job can make ALL the difference… The difference between spending three hours on a project, versus a half hour with the right tool. The difference between recognizing mistakes in a process...
May 13, 2021 | Community, Customer Service, Marketing, Press Release, Technology
It’s not for the faint of heart. Only a handful can pull it off. It’s polarizing. Many would consider it a risky branding strategy. One false move and it could potentially wreck a business… But, consistently doing it well could mean MASSIVE success in creating a...
May 6, 2021 | Technology, Customer Service
Raise your hand if you’ve ever received a text message that said something like this: Tony’s Pizza: Don’t miss out on our limited time offer of 30% off all carryout pies! Memorial Day weekend only…get it while you can ? You probably reacted one of two ways to...