How Elite Clients Lead To Huge Retention Wins

How Elite Clients Lead To Huge Retention Wins

Smart gym owners realize that amazing retention is necessary for strong profitability. So how do you get amazing retention? You need to have an incredible client experience. This goes beyond the standard bottle of water that the front desk gives out. We are talking...
Preparing For Profit: How To Set Your Gym Up For Success

Preparing For Profit: How To Set Your Gym Up For Success

Matching your efforts to your ambitions can be tricky for any gym owner.  Picking up where episode one left off, we walk you through practical steps for preparing your gym for profitability.  In this episode, we teach you…  How your gym’s location...
Little Known Tips For Building A Million Dollar Gym

Little Known Tips For Building A Million Dollar Gym

Is your gym on a path to make a million dollars? The first step towards reaching new heights of profitability and success is viewing yourself as more than just a skilled trainer, and your gym as more than a gym.  You need to shift into seeing your gym as a...
Word of Mouth Marketing: 3 Ways To Grow With Referrals

Word of Mouth Marketing: 3 Ways To Grow With Referrals

Let me guess.  Your number one marketing channel is “word of mouth”?  We get it.  These are highly qualified leads that cost you nothing in advertising. If you’re bootstrapping your business, you need every win you can get without pouring more money into it. ...
7 Tech Tools Every Fitness Business Needs

7 Tech Tools Every Fitness Business Needs

When it comes to running and growing a business, having the right tools for the job can make ALL the difference… The difference between spending three hours on a project, versus a half hour with the right tool. The difference between recognizing mistakes in a process...