We all know it takes SO MUCH time, money and effort to get a good lead. 

And, then somewhere in the process – we lose sight and therefore the potential Sale. 

You know why – it’s because of Poor Tracking!

Tracking keeps you focused on the steps that need improving and lets you see where exactly each prospect is in the Process. 

Not doing this is like trying to get lean but ignoring your diet, which as most fitness professionals would argue is about 80% of the reason why people get results as it pertains to weight loss (not exercise).

Think about that – it’s a pretty BOLD claim to say that Tracking is and not all the other paraphernalia that we indulge in. It really does all start from there.

So, what should we track, you may ask – pretty simple! Here’s a list and in this very order:- 

  • Number of leads. (everything counts, including the person who just stopped in to use the bathroom…)
  • Number of appointments set.
  • Number of appointments that showed up.
  • Number of appointments that closed.
  • Number of new members that gave referrals (which leads to more leads – pun intended)

Quite simply, it’s SET, SHOW, CLOSE.

Then, USE this data. It’ll show you where you need to focus. Are appointments not showing up? Fix your reminder protocol. Are appointments not closing? Fix your sales presentation. Not getting referrals? Ask for them…yeah…JUST ASK. Research shows that 93% of repeat customers are willing to give a referral…IF ASKED.

It’s not complicated, most effective systems aren’t.

Here’s how tracking REALLY helps us take intelligent action. Let’s say you’ve set a goal for 10 new members per month. If we’re tracking our numbers this allows to know exactly how many leads that’s going to take. Or, exactly where we can focus to improve our conversion numbers moving a prospect through the sales funnel.

To make things easy, let’s say each step has a 50% chance of moving a prospect along.

Here’s what that looks like.

  • 10 new members (closed sales) will require 20 appointments that showed up.
  • 20 appointments showing up will require 40 appointments set.
  • 40 appointments set will require 80 leads.
  • 80 leads in a month breaks down to 2.6(3) leads a day.

Could you find 3 leads a day? Doesn’t seem like such a crazy task right?

We can make this even more effective if we apply the same tracking to individual sources. Facebook, email, direct mail, referrals, text, business to business, the more data we track the easier it is to know what’s working and what isn’t.

Just remember, it’s the little things done daily that compound over a period of time that guarantees BIG time results in the future. This is a well known fact that works well in business and in life.

So, if you want to immediately improve your sales or that of your team, start tracking.

There’s money hiding in your data!

Ditch Facebook ads and explore 51 dynamic ways to acquire clients while mastering lead tracking with our comprehensive guide!